like last year, this year, we celebrated & supported Earth hour with bbq at my PIL's lawn again. it was kinda last minute decision though with most of our friends ( the paintball circle) who attended the earth hour bbq last year had prior plans..nevertheless the celebration went well. had a great time preparing the food with my bsf sue too.( i prepared the lamb, black pepper sauce, mashed potatoes & triffle while sue made those delicious mushroom soup, beef bread fritters & salad)~ nothing fancy just those things bbq must have that we prepared with much TLC.
picture is a bit blur from the bbq smoke...

the boys lit & arranged the candles
sue & i prepared most of the dishes except for the Satay.
with the lady of honour..LDK
aaaaah...after all those food!!!
& the happy tummy full, faces...
support Earth hour yo! only for 60 mins once a year, how hard can it be!?
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