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Friday, February 5, 2010

my sirih junjung challenge.

Sirih (betel nut leaves) and accompaniments with flowers known as 'Sirih Junjung' is a must item for hantaran.so this was my challenge during my BIL's~ Jomey wedding recently. for the last 2 weddings; my Sil's~ Eyna & BIL's ~Kerry weddings, i was only asked to do & arranged  the hantaran but never been entrusted with Sirih Junjung before, my MIL always had someone else attended to it. but this time around she somehow insisted that i take charge of this most main item in the hantaran according to adat!
well......i'm pretty good @ handicrafts but sirih junjung!? Alamak!!!...quite frankly i don't even remember how mind looked like when i got married let alone who made the arrangement!

anyhow...i took the challenge, i thought it would be interesting actually..it's always good to learn something new..problem is...the Akad took place on Saturday in JB & we're here in Semenyih...so it's kinda impossible to use fresh flowers for the arrangement...
basically to avoid the sirih junjung looking like this after a long day event & a long journey home....
so we settled for  fake flowers but using fresh Sirih...
err... another problem is, for this wedding of her 2nd son, she was kinda anxious for some reasons...most probably because we had to travel all the way to JB with all the hantaran  i guess, insisted that i made the arrangement on the Thursday night..since she said we'll be leaving for JB on the next day( even though the Akad will only take place on Saturday)...being a good DIL i said "ok mak."
so the challenge began....

 errk...ignore that inter-framing lil Korean girl...;P
quite amazingly, i managed it with just one attempt.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!  the next (fri)day after a half day journey by car to JB.....:'(

so almost halfheartedly this time around~ after dinner, i sat down quietly surrounded by the rest of the wedding entourage while discussing the next day agenda, i  started my second attempt but only worked with the sirih, cos the flowers...they were good to me....;P
so to ensure that the leaves stayed fresh the next morning (Saturday) for the Akad, some suggested that i should put it in the fridge over night!!! 
could they be right? one may asks....

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~part of the leaves wilted!!!! :'(
since the Akad was due at 10 am, i went on my touch up mode at 6am....in my Kebaya!!! & that was why i went bare faced that day........;P

these were part the hantaran that i made or helped arrange & beautify....
 the Holy Quran & the Sejadah 
the telekung that i turned into a huge white flower...but mehubby thought from afar it looked like headstones at the cemetery...;P
the mas kawin (dawry)~RM22.50, of which RM10.50 were in RM0.50t hat sue, bam-bam & syaniz helped wrapped in gold foil paper to make it look like gold coins & the balance of RM10x1 & RM1x2 notes were origami folded to look like heart shapes, 
the wang hantaran in the Album & 
the wedding ring all in one tray...

the fruits

shoes & clutch bag
& not forgetting the personalized custom made chocolates that my MIL managed to leave behind, only remembered all about it after the Nilai Toll & forced us to turn around to retrieve it all the way back home....

the sirih junjung that i arranged ....
& the  one from the bride's
phewwhhh....finally i managed to finished this entry.....;D

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