expect the unexpected, visit @ur own risk!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

the solemnization of Ariff Alsukor & Syida Rosihan

yeah i know.... it took me ages to write this post...it's basically long overdue... well in my defense, this simply bcos i am still in denial. BIG TIME!!! my first born nephew ( the eldest son of my eldest brother~ A1) has decided to end his bachelorhood days to his childhood sweetheart during his primary years in penang, end of last year.

accordingly (this is their story), they lost contact for a long, long time until FB reconnected them. when my brother~A1 texted me asking us to block 'the date' last year, we did so thinking that he wanted to have some kind of family gathering of sort. a  week later came the news that ariff was actually getting married! oh what joy a family gathering indeed!!! (i was being sarcastic actually...boohoo...;( shoot me!

i was like WHAT!??? he's only a child as far as i'm concern?  which male species ever get married at the age of 24?  what does that suppose to mean, that he's getting old? mmm.... yeah i thought so...;P
but, how is that possible? he was still in diapers not so long ago!!! & yes this post claims so many unNecessary exclamation marks i know...to those who gets annoyed with it do bear with me...cos i'm like moaning & whining right now, ok!!!

on top of that i am an aunt-in law? already? gosh i can't even begin to imagine if & when they deicde to get pregnant later.... like hopefully not so soon....what would that makes me!??? *_____*

moan or no moan..here are some of the pics to share....

as much as i was in denial, i helped him with the henna with my symbols~Love Sunny...hehhehe :P

yep, huge & old *___*

during the solemnization..

here comes the bride...

sweet syida, the one that makes me an aunt-in law...

 rings exchange ceremony...

 a symbol to signify the moment where the couple is legally allowed to touch each other

 my(also in a state of ) in- denial eldest brother~A1 can't blame him either he only just turned 50 last year...& meSIL.

the happy couple in a different costume during the bersanding & dinner...

cake cutting ceremony...
see what i mean when i said he's only a child???
...someone still has to feed him!!! ;P

till the next post on Ariff & syida's wedding reception pics on the groom's side...stay tune...
in fact i have so many overdue posts that i only managed to blog in my head due to laziness~ full-stop. ;P


  1. how do you feels about the wedding?
    what about the reception? is there a story for reception side?

  2. like i said in my post. still in the state of denial. what's more after the ceremony, ariff has been keeping syida all to himself! i have yet to get to know my new niece after the wedding. so in a way, sometimes... i don't even remember that he is actually a married man! ;P

    the reception was simple but went well. thank u for asking :)


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